Bill Rieth Spoke to the Club About

The United Way



Club President Judge Chuck Grodnik rang the bell to calling to order the January 5th meeting of the Elkhart Rotary Club. 

The Sergeant at Arms was Brad Miller, who donned his Miami of Ohio letter jacket.  He fined Steve Eldridge for dressing too nice while doing his yard work. He acknowledged Paul Warning and Mike Lobeck for their work on the Salvation Army Bell Ringing project.  Longtime member Denny Gill was acknowledged.  Denny passed away last week after battling a long illness. The money the Sergeant’s committee raises over the year is pooled into a fund and then disbursed annually to area non-profit organizations.

The speaker was Bill Rieth of the United Way.  Bill told the club that The United Way helps improve the lives of working families through Education, Income and Health.  Since 1922, the United Way of Elkhart County has been creating long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of problems. The organization doesn't simply address the symptoms of a problem.  They strive to go deeper to get at the underlying causes. To them "Living United" means being a part of the change. Bill concluded that It takes everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future. Together, he said, we can accomplish more than any single group can on its own and we we "LIVE UNITED" Elkhart County does more.

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Up Coming Program:  Monday January 12th: The American Egg Board