Justin Maust Speaks to the Club About

Momentum and Developing Community  Leaders



Club President Chuck Grodnik rang the bell calling to order the March 2nd meeting of the Elkhart Rotary Club. Tom Eisele offered the invocation and led in the pledge. Rhonda Banta announced visiting Rotarians and guests.

Paul Warning introduced student guests from Memorial High School: Cameron Maxwell, Tony Vaughn, Abby Weaver, Keondia Woodley

Brian Housand announced that the first planning meeting for this year's “Taste of the Gardens” in August will be next Monday at 11:00 at the Matterhorn. He encouraged all members to get involved so the work can be spread around.

Dick Kallenberg presented Paul Harris awards and gave the foundation minute. He pointed out the progress that has been made with only 300 cases of polio worldwide last year. Dollars given to the foundation have been used to help eradicate polio. 

Jeff Wells was the Rotarian “reintroducing” himself for the week. His dad was a 1925 Elkhart High School graduate. After graduating he ran Prairie Schooner and in 1954, he started he started Wells Cargo. Jeff graduated in 1966 and was going to be drafted but was given the opportunity to join the national guard, which allowed him to start working with his dad at Wells. 

The sergeant for the day was Lisa Gilkey Schoetzow. Money raised by the Sergeant's Committee are pooled into a fund which is distributed annually to local non-profit groups.

The speaker for the day was Justin Maust from Leader Legacy, Inc. He spoke about momentum. He posed the question for discussion “What comes first, growth or momentum?" The answer is both. Momentum happens when people focus on what their passion is. He talked about the importance of developing strong leaders. 

He also talked about an upcoming leadership event. It will be a half day event and will take place at the century center on May 22nd from 1:30 to 5:30. It is happening during South Bend's 150-year celebration. Speakers will be John Maxwell, Tommy Newberry, Louis Upkins, Elise Foster and Justin Maust. For more information or to purchase tickets got to www.leadmichiana.com

Chuck Grodnik asked the trivia question for the week and the meeting was adjourned.