April/May - Read United Volunteers needed in Elkhart Community School Classrooms: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/OkZA24IrVO Contact Natalie Evans.
Wednesday, April 24, 4-7 p.m. Goodwill's Little Black Dress Signature Event. An exciting evening of fashion, fun, and philanthropy at the Four Winds Event Center. All proceeds from the event will benefit Goodwill's programs to empower people to achieve their most abundant life. Ticket info here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goodwills-little-black-dress-signature-event-tickets-818952748717?aff=oddtdtcreator Contact: Monica Abair
Saturday, May 11, Dogapalooza. Oxbow County Park. Join the Humane Society of Elkhart County (HSEC) for a timed trail run/walk in a pleasant natural environment. Runners, walkers, and their dogs will be gathering to enjoy time together, activities, great music, and sharing with others. After the race is over, stay a while for Elkhart County Parks’ Dogapalooza! Enjoy dog-themed vendors and activities, great food trucks, a beer garden, and so much more! Info and registration at https://elkharthumanesociety.org/pfac-at-dogapalooza/ Contact: Rob LaRoy
Saturday, May 11, 9:30 a.m. Girls on the Run 5k. Location: Trinity United Methodist Church, 2715 East Jackson Blvd., Elkhart. Volunteers help ensure our end-of-season 5K Celebration is possible. If you’re interested check out the details at https://www.girlsontherunmichiana.org/5k-elkhart and sign up today. Contact: Julie Cotton.
Saturday, May 11, Postal Food Drive “Stamp Out Hunger” Volunteers Needed to volunteer with United Way to collect food or help at Post Office with distribution to pantries: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/X7AJNJXPO2 Contact Natalie Evans
Thursday, May 16 at 5 p.m. Thirsty Thursday - come enjoy a drink and fellowship with fellow Rotarians and guests. Come on, come all, drop in 5-6 p.m. Location TBD Contact: Peter Norton
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Plant Sale at Wellfield Botanic Gardens. The plant sale offers a variety of perennial and annual plants, vegetables, vendors, plant supplies and more! Enjoy FREE ADMISSION to Wellfield Botanic Gardens during the plant sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. that day.
Sunday, May 19, 4 p.m. Elkhart County Symphony. ¡FIESTA SINFÓNICA! Featuring LALO CURA at the Lerner Theater. Repertoire: Marquez, Danzon No. 2; Bernstein, Symphonic Dances from West Side Story. Info and tickets at https://elkhartsymphony.org/. Contact: John Hill
Saturday, June 1, 7 p.m. Stand-Up for Church Community Services. Join us at the historic Bristol Opera House for an evening of crazy funny comedians -- headlined by Mike Armstrong! Mike has appeared on HBO, Fox, and CMT and will be forever known as the Ex-Cop on the Bob & Tom radio show. Hosted by Corey Mann, the event also features comedians Michael Downing, Elise Davies, and Scott Callahan. Doors open at 6 p.m. Visit https://ci.ovationtix.com/36247/production/1192983 for details and tickets Contact: Keith Sarber.
Friday, August 16, The Great Cardboard Boat Race. Registration Opens May 1! Volunteers needed for August 15 Set Up & August 16 Race Day Volunteers Needed: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/yRy7zguZ16. Contact: Natalie Evans
April 22, 2024 CareerWise Elkhart County and Modern Youth Apprenticeships
Today we welcomed a team from Horizon Education Alliance and our presentation featured Sarah Koontz, Director, CareerWise Elkhart County and Rolondo Lopez, Advocate for Youth Apprenticeship. Sarah was introduced by Brian Wiebe, President/CEO of Horizon Education Alliance, and she shared about the CareerWise Elkhart County -- Modern Youth Apprenticeships, and was joined by Rolondo at the podium to share his own experience. CareerWise Elkhart County offers a two- to three-year apprenticeship designed by businesses and offered in partnership with schools, taking students out of the classroom and putting them in the workplace in meaningful, paid positions for 16-24 hours per week while earning high school and college credit. For details visit: https://www.careerwiseelkhartcounty.org/
For complete details and how to get involved, visit: https://www.careerwiseelkhartcounty.org/
J&K Kissinger Award Winner for 2024 - Terri Rickel
CONGRATULATIONS, Terri Rickel, the 2024 J&K Kissinger Award Winner for Rotary District 6540! The J&K Kissinger Award was established in 1987 by then District 6540 Governor Bill Heinhuis to honor Jack and Kay Kissinger for their many years of dedicated service to Rotary at the local, national, and international levels. Terri joined the Elkhart Rotary club in 2005 and was elected to the board in 2008. She has served in all officer positions on the Board and served as the Club president in 2015-2016. She continues to be very active on various committees within the club including the Caring Committee and Membership Committees, performing new member orientations and ensuring that new club members are up to speed on their responsibilities as well as being aware of their opportunities within the club. She and her husband Bob have attended four international conventions. Terri is especially proud to be a Paul Harris Fellow. Within our Rotary District 6540 she has served as Assistant District Governor for several terms working with Concord, Elkhart, Goshen, and Plymouth Clubs. Additionally, she has served on the Administrative Council and Membership Committee. Terri is currently the Rotary District 6540 District Governor Nominee Designate. The award was presented on Saturday at the District Conference by Elkhart Rotary Club President Julie Cotton. Congratulations, Terri!
On Saturday, April 20, our club members and INTERACT Students volunteered for our twice-annual County Road 6 trash cleanup!
Thanks to all who help make our community a better—and CLEANER—place to live, work, and play!
Rotarians are an integral and engaged part of our active community! Here’s a list of upcoming events represented by Rotarians from the Elkhart Rotary Club. If you’d like more information, contact the Rotarian listed for the event or email elkhartnoonrotary@gmail.com and your message will be forwarded to them. Are you a Rotarian with an event to share? Put it in the format below and email to Eric Garton, he’ll add it to the list.