Dr. Shane Larson, from Adler Planetarium,
Spoke to the Club
During the May 9th meeting, Dr. Larry Roberts was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow Plus 2 award and his wife Nancy was presented with a Paul Harris award.   The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name or the name of family members, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Plus recognitions indicate the member has donated additional One Thousand Dollar amounts. The award was established in 1957 to show appreciation for and encourage substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.
Member Kathy Grusy gave the club an update on the recent visit by a Turkish Rotary Exchange group.
The Sergeant at Arms was Meghann Sullivan who quizzed the club on the recent Kentucky Derby. The money the Sergeant’s committee raises over the year is pooled into a fund and then disbursed annually to area non-profit organizations.
Elkhart Rotary is blessed to have great speakers every week; this week’s speaker was particularly interesting. Professor Shane Larson from Northwestern University and the Adler Planetarium spoke about what we have learned from our history of space exploration. Some interesting facts were: the Apollo Space program launched 50 years ago cost just $ 20 million dollars. The Hubble telescope orbit is decaying and soon NASA will launch a rocket to dock with the telescope and direct it into an ocean. The James Web Space telescope will replace the Hubble in October of 2018 visit: http://jwst.nasa.gov/launch.html for more information.  A gold record was placed on each of the two Voyager space craft which have since exited our solar system. These records contain greetings in 55 languages and much more information about the human race. Visit goldenrecord.org
A few books by Carl Sagan Mr. Larson recommended: "A Pale Blue Dot,"  "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage,"  and "The Cosmic Connection."                 
Up Coming Program(s):  May 23, 2016
The Roots of Goshen College with the City of Elkhart