- EDC's Mission: Create an economically vibrant community by: Recruiting, retaining and strengthening our economic base, and being a catalyst for diversification, innovation and economic change.
- EDC's Vision: The EDC will leverage our entrepreneurial spirit, expertise and regional resources to develop a more prosperous community through a diversified, resilient and knowledge-based economy.
- Who We Are / What We Do: EDC is a not-for-profit economic organization serving the community with the cities, towns, chambers of commerce, investor partners, and businesses of Elkhart County, Indiana. We are known as the “Concierge to Elkhart County Industry”. Our primary objectives are the retention and expansion of local businesses, attraction of new businesses to Elkhart County, and local entrepreneurial development.
- History of the EDC of Elkhart County: The EDC of Elkhart County (EDCEC) was organized in 2001 as a public-private partnership and lead economic development organization for Elkhart County, Indiana. With a mission to attract and retain diversified businesses both domestically and internationally, the EDCEC serves as a resource and advocate to cultivate the competitiveness and profitability of business locating or expanding to Elkhart County, Indiana.
- The EDCEC delivers an integrated approach to economic development strategy combining business attraction, expansion and retention activities, workforce attraction and development as well as strategic long-term planning. The EDCEC teams with the real estate development, land use planning and design professionals to present comprehensive location solutions to new and existing companies. The EDCEC provides confidential relocation and economic development services in close collaboration with regional and national partners to assist with site selection, community networking, workforce attraction and development, and navigation through the state and local incentives and regulatory process.
- The EDC of Elkhart County is a nationally recognized economic development leader in the State of Indiana. The EDCEC provides strategic vision and “whatever it takes approach” to ensure continued Elkhart County economic vitality while providing quality job opportunities, a diverse and inclusive quality of place and continued prosperity for the residents and businesses of Elkhart County.
- Chad Douglass is a returning member who left the club in 2015 and is able to return, he is sponsored by Sherm Hansen and works for Lake City Bank.
- Zac Quiett is the new CFO at Elkhart Community Schools and is sponsored by Doug Thorne.
Rotarians are an integral and engaged part of our active community! Here’s a list of upcoming events represented by Rotarians from the Elkhart Rotary Club. If you’d like more information, contact the Rotarian listed for the event or email elkhartnoonrotary@gmail.com and your message will be forwarded to them. Are you a Rotarian with an event to share? Put it in the format below and email to Eric Garton, he’ll add it to the list.
May - Read United Volunteers needed in Elkhart Community School Classrooms: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/OkZA24IrVO Contact Natalie Evans.
Friday May 10, 7:30 p.m. Oaklawn's Got Talent at The Lerner Judges have selected four finalists who will wow you while we raise funds for local mental health and addiction treatment – and YOU vote for who wins! - Elkhart Rotary President Julie is a finalist! - audience votes pick the first place winner! More info and tickets at https://oaklawn.org/ogt/. Contact: Julie Cotton
Saturday, May 11, Dogapalooza. Oxbow County Park. Join the Humane Society of Elkhart County (HSEC) for a timed trail run/walk in a pleasant natural environment. Runners, walkers, and their dogs will be gathering to enjoy time together, activities, great music, and sharing with others. After the race is over, stay a while for Elkhart County Parks’ Dogapalooza! Enjoy dog-themed vendors and activities, great food trucks, a beer garden, and so much more! Info and registration at https://elkharthumanesociety.org/pfac-at-dogapalooza/ Contact: Rob LaRoy
Saturday, May 11, 9:30 a.m. Girls on the Run 5k. Location: Trinity United Methodist Church, 2715 East Jackson Blvd., Elkhart. Volunteers help ensure our end-of-season 5K Celebration is possible. If you’re interested check out the details at https://www.girlsontherunmichiana.org/5k-elkhart and sign up today. Contact: Julie Cotton.
Saturday, May 11, Postal Food Drive “Stamp Out Hunger” Volunteers Needed to volunteer with United Way to collect food or help at Post Office with distribution to pantries: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/X7AJNJXPO2 Contact Natalie Evans
Thursday, May 16 at 5 p.m. Thirsty Thursday - come enjoy a drink and fellowship with fellow Rotarians and guests. Come on, come all, drop in 5-6 p.m. Location TBD Contact: Peter Norton
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Plant Sale at Wellfield Botanic Gardens. The plant sale offers a variety of perennial and annual plants, vegetables, vendors, plant supplies and more! Enjoy FREE ADMISSION to Wellfield Botanic Gardens during the plant sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. that day.
Sunday, May 19, 4 p.m. Elkhart County Symphony. ¡FIESTA SINFÓNICA! Featuring LALO CURA at the Lerner Theater. Repertoire: Marquez, Danzon No. 2; Bernstein, Symphonic Dances from West Side Story. Info and tickets at https://elkhartsymphony.org/. Contact: John Hill
Saturday, June 1, 7 p.m. Stand-Up for Church Community Services. Join us at the historic Bristol Opera House for an evening of crazy funny comedians -- headlined by Mike Armstrong! Mike has appeared on HBO, Fox, and CMT and will be forever known as the Ex-Cop on the Bob & Tom radio show. Hosted by Corey Mann, the event also features comedians Michael Downing, Elise Davies, and Scott Callahan. Doors open at 6 p.m. Visit https://ci.ovationtix.com/36247/production/1192983 for details and tickets Contact: Keith Sarber.
Friday, August 16, The Great Cardboard Boat Race. Registration Opens May 1! Volunteers needed for August 15 Set Up & August 16 Race Day Volunteers Needed: https://volunteer.crossroadsuw.org/opportunities/yRy7zguZ16. Contact: Natalie Evans