Congratulations and welcome the Elkhart Rotary Club's new 2024-2025 President, Andrew Harman! Andrew's first meeting was jam-packed with great information, great people from several clubs in our District 6540, District 6540 leadership—past, present, and future—and great fellowship among people living the Rotary motto: Service Above Self. Our club is grateful for Andrew's willingness to take on the leadership role for the Elkhart Rotary!

After a necessarily-lengthy introduction and welcome to the club's many guests by Jim Rieckhoff, the day's celebration began with the presentation of several Rotary Foundation awards, including a special presentation of Major Donor Level 2 to Aaron Clow by our District 6540's NEW Governor, Holli Seabury.
Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) Awards were also presented to several club members by our club's (L-R) Foundation Chair Howard Edwards, DG Holli Seabury, and District Governor Nominee Designate Terri Rickel. Recipients included:
  • Andrew Harman, PHF+2, Elkhart Rotary Club President
  • Deb Osza PHF+1
  • Larry Knight PHF+2
  • Kathy Grusy PHF+3
  • Mel Jacobson PHF+4 & PHF+5
  • Bob Shultz PHF+5
  • Moe Jacobson PHF+8
  • Kurt Janowsky (accepted by Heide Bennett) PHF+8

Monday's program was provided by Rotary District 6540 Past District Governor (PDG) Dan Ryan, of the Demotte-Kankakee Rotary Club and Bob Gabrielse, Manager of Mobility Ministries, Inc. an Indiana affiliate of Mobility Worldwide Bob and Dan gave highlights of the Personal Energy Transportation (PET) Carts. These three-wheeled, hand-cranked wheelchairs are for those afflicted with polio and victims of landmines, who are otherwise relegated to often crawling from place to place and complete dependence on others in their daily lives. The PET carts provide independence and dignity for those in need.
Rotary District 6540 Past District Governor (PDG) Dan Ryan, of the Demotte-Kankakee Rotary Club introduced Bob Gabrielse, Manager of Mobility Ministries, Inc. 
Bob shared several videos of the difference this program has made in the lives of others, the PET Carts he'd brought to demonstrate and how they're manufactured, and a presentation describing the program from start to finish.

The presentation also included information about “Days for Girls” packs and “Baby Packs for Life” presented by Arla Gabrielse, the office manager of Mobility Ministries.

For complete information about Mobility Minstries visit their website at