Elkhart Rotary Club IGNITE app rollout to members
May 06, 2024 12:00 PM
Katie Tocci, DACdb software and IGNITE App Trainer
Elkhart Rotary Club IGNITE app rollout to members

IGNITE is an phone app for our new (still transitioning) customer relationship software called DACdb that will manage our membership. The IGNITE app provides ease of use for civic organizations by not only helping manage their organizations, but by making member engagement more accessible. Members can pay their invoices, make donations, log service hours, add service projects to their calendars, send service selfies and so much more from this simple and clean app. Leaders can communicate one on one or broadcast messages to an entire group. While at events, members can connect with each other by scanning QR codes to save contact information. Member engagement has never been so easy!

Learn more at this overview training session for our club. And if you'd like to get a headstart, download the IGNITE app to your phone so we can get started on Monday!

Here's a link to DOWNLOAD LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS for IGNITE APP - or you find them on the "Important Downloads" Section of the homepage: https://elkhartrotary.org/

If you cannot join us at the meeting but would like to see the presentation, this will be presented virtually on Google Meet at https://meet.google.com/ngm-ozct-rvo?hs=224

Our presenter is Katie Tocci.